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Reference Items (3133) answer(s).
ID:   015914

Studies in Indian Sociology - Sociology of Social Movement. Volume 6 / Sahu D; Kattakayam Jacob John 2012  Book
Sahu D Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Los Angeles, Sage, 2012.
Description 264p
Summary/Abstract The volume is a collection of aticles on both conventional and new sociial movements of India and the subcontinent. The essays have be divided into 4 sections The first deals with th econceptual and theoretical issues of social movement. te second artyiculatesthe issues of agrarian unrest mobilisation and movements in India. The third focusees on movements of dalits, adivasis and minorities of India and ths sub Continent. The fourth section relates to empirical accounts of contemporary environment movement in India.
Key Words BA/BCOM 
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B24762307.54/SAH v.6MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.4v6
ID:   012935

studies in Indian Sociology. On The Margins - tribes, castes and other social categories Volume 4 / Dasgupta Abhijit; Kattakayam Jacob John 2012  Book
Dasgupta A Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Los Angeles, Sage, 2012.
Description 184p
Summary/Abstract The 11 essays explore the different aspects of marginalisation among the schedule casts, the the schedule tribes the backward classes. women workers, refugees minorities, physically challenged and so on. the show how to take aan active part in social protests and raise a voice against discrimination in different spheres of social life.
Key Words BA/BCOM 
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B24760307.54/DAS v.4MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.4v4
ID:   000047

10,000 Ideas for Term Papers, Projects, Reports & Speeches / Lamm Kathryn 1995  Book
Lamm Kathryn Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Edition 4th ed
Publication USA, Macmillan, 1995.
Description 448p
Summary/Abstract Got a looming deadline and a bone-dry idea tank? Take a gander at Kathryn Lamm's compendium, which includes thousands of ideas from every discipline--English, history, social studies, journalism, art, and so forth. The range of topics is truly dizzying. And the ideas are ranked from average difficulty ("Swimming safety") to those requiring specialized knowledge ("Compare the Romanesque architecture of Ste. Madeline of Vezelay and St. Benoit-sur-Loire, France").
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B09610070.03/LAM MainOn ShelfReference booksRef. 3
ID:   000054

100 Years Of Olympics / Gothi E 1997  Book
Gothi E Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Delhi, Sports Publication, 1997.
Description 136p
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B06088796.03/GOT MainOn ShelfReference booksCompactor 15
ID:   000055

100 Years With Nobel Laureates / Hoiberg, D. H. 2001  Book
Encyclopaedia Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication New Delhi, Encyclopaedia Britannica (India) Pvt Ltd, 2001.
Description 1098p
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B10648900/HOI MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   000057

1000 Years Of Famous People / Kingfisher 2002  Book
Kingfisher Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, Kingfisher, 2002.
Description 256p
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Accession#Call#Current LocationStatusPolicyLocation
B14062920.03/KIN MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   000058

1001 Great Quotes from Great Minds / Vilord Thomas J. 2008  Book
Vilord Thomas J. Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Mumbai, Jaico Publishing House, 2008.
Description 274p
Standard Number 978-81-7992-887-5
Key Words BA/BCOM 
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B21708808.882/VIL MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   021091

101 Great Indian Festivals / Dua Shyam 2008  Junior College
Dua Shyam Junior College
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Delhi, Tiny Tot Publications, 2008.
Description 108p
Summary/Abstract Emphasized on every aspect of the Iindian tradition and culture. Of all this Festivals probably hold the most important position. Festivals bring with pomp and show and rich tradition thaat has been carried on through the ages, 101 Great Indian Festivals ' help you identify the importance of every festival in India
Key Words JRC 
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JR5071294/DUA MainOn ShelfReference booksRef. 3
ID:   000084

1983 Yearbook Of Science And The Future / Ertel J. 1983  Book
Ertel J. Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc, 1983.
Description 446p
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B03543500.5/ERT MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   000085

1987 Britannica Book Of The Year / Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc 1987  Book
Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc, 1987.
Description 958p
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B01804032.42/EBI MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   000096

21st Century Guide To Pronunciation / O'Connor J 1994  Book
O'Connor J Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, Dell Publishing, 1994.
Description 347p
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B07426421.03/O'C MainOn ShelfReference booksRef. 2
ID:   000098

21st Century Management : A Reference Handbook / Wankel Charles 2008  Book
Wankel Charles Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Los Angeles, Sage Publications, 2008.
Description 509p
Standard Number 978 1 4129 4972 9
Key Words BMS 
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B22240658.03/WAN v.1MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.6v1
B22241658.03/WAN v.2MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.6v2
ID:   021099

30 Judgements Of High Courts & Supreme Court in relation to School & College Tribunals (1995 to 2000) / Patkar G. Adv.N. 2002  Junior College
Patkar G. Adv.N. Junior College
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Mumbai, Top Publications, 2002.
Description 240p
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JR3091347.077/PAT MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   037821

3G Handy Guide: Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies / Mratinkovic Aleksandar 2019  Book
Mratinkovic Aleksandar Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, 3G Elearning, 2019.
Description x ;254pp
Standard Number 978-1-98462-552-6 PB.
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B31689658.8/MRA MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.7
ID:   037823

3G Handy Guide: Digital Marketing / Mratinkovic Aleksandar 2019  Book
Mratinkovic Aleksandar Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, 3G Elearning, 2019.
Description xi ;265pp
Summary/Abstract This "Handy Guide: Digital Marketing" demonstrates practical information and real cases how using this single realization as a starting point helps you build and implement more effective campaigns. The guide will give you more information on How AdWords, Analytics, and Partners help job seekers and business owners. This guide addresses the key recent developments in digital marketing including an expanded section on social media marketing and an appreciation of the impact of mobile devices.
Contents Social Media Marketing Mobile Marketing Search Engine Marketing Content Marketing Online Advertising and Email Marketing
Standard Number 978-1-98462-423-9 PB.
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B31687658.872/MRA MainOn ShelfReference booksMezzanine Floor U1
ID:   038914

3G Handy Guide: Risk Management / Mratinkovic Aleksandar 2019  Book
Mratinkovic Aleksandar Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication New York, 3G Elearning, 2019.
Description x ;256pp
Summary/Abstract The guides provides insights into leading trends and risk management methodsTHe risk may be both internal and external sources. External risk includes political challenges , exchange rates , interst rates etc. where as internal risk includes non-compliance or breaches of information among other things. Risk management is signifant in an organization toiday because withou it the company cannot define its business goals If an orginizationidentifies targets without considering the risk, it is possible they lose directionbecaus eof one of these risks The task of the team is to identify risks, develop protective strategies, implement these strategies and motivate all orginiazation to participate in these strategies.. The risk management also assesses each risk and detrmines which risk is critical for the company.
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to risk. Chapter 2 Risk Management and its Managerial Aspects Chapter 3 Insurance Chapter 4 Insurance Underwriting. Chapter 5 Claims Management Chapter 6 Reinsurance
Standard Number 978-1-98462-394-2 PB.
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B32062332.4/MRA MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.4
ID:   000124

5 Giants Of Advertising / Lorin P 2001  Book
Lorin P Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication USA, Assouline Publishing, Inc, 2001.
Description 144p
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B11572659.19/LOR MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.7
ID:   030825

50 Top Tools for Coaching: A complete toolkit for developing and empowering people / Jones Gillian; Gorell Ro 2015  Book
Jones Gillian Book
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Edition 3e
Publication London, Kogan Page, 2015.
Description xxii ;247pp
Standard Number 978-0-7494-7344-0 PB.
Key Words Book Exhibition 
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B29599658.3124/JON MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.7
ID:   021102

50 Years of Space - A Global Perspective / Medvedchikov A. I. 2008  Junior College
Rao P. V. Manoranjan Junior College
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Hyderabad, Universities Press, 2008.
Description 313p
Standard Number 81 7371 600 5
Key Words JRC 
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Accession#Call#Current LocationStatusPolicyLocation
JR4643629.4/MED MainOn ShelfReference books 
ID:   021101

50 Years of Space - A Global Perspective / Medvedchikov A. I. 2007  Junior College
Rao P. V. Manoranjan Junior College
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication Hyderabad, Universities Press, 2007.
Description 314p
Summary/Abstract On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched the world's first man-made satellite Sputnik-1, opening the doors to a new cosmic era. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this momentous occasion 50 Years of Space: A Global Perspective gathers in a single volume, brief histories of all the major space agencies of the world written by people of impeccable credentials. In the past 50 years, many countries have found their own, unique paths to orbit. The objectives were multi-dimensional – an opportunity for investigating and understanding outer space; a means of showcasing technological superiority; a means to solve social problems. The essays assembled in this book illustrate the many different solutions that each country or organisation has developed. But today, the countries have realised that to move forward, international cooperation is necessary. This book affords us a means to look backward, learn from our failures and surge forward in a direction which will benefit all humanity.
Standard Number 81 7371 600 5
Key Words JRC 
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JR4494629.4/MED MainOn ShelfReference booksRef.6